Monday, 6 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Challenge: BOOK BUYING SPREE

So far today has been a very slow reading day for me, so I decided to find some sense of achievement by completing one of the Challenges. The Challenge is the Book Buying Spree and is hosted by Bookish Comforts

This Challenge also appealed to me because it involves one of my favourite things, online shopping with no intention of actually spending money.

The Challenge

Imagine if you will: you’ve just received some FANTASTIC news! You have won a $100 book buying spree! Now comes the hard part though: what books will you buy?! For this challenge, you’ll be creating your book buying spree wishlist, and sharing it in the comments.
So here is my shopping cart, under budget at $97.14, that's a first!

I'm really getting into biographies and memoirs at the moment, and I'm fascinated with the Holocaust, which explains why two of my chosen books were written by people during that time.

I also aim to read a lot more classics, and I've read some Tolstoy (I am working on Anna Karenina) and some Orwell (Nineteen Eighty-Four).

The Song of Fire and Ice series is so huge and time consuming that I just need to have it. I've recently started to catch up on the TV series, but as an avid Potter fan I think that the books are probably going to be a lot better.

Well it's almost 9pm where I am now, so I'm going to try and get some serious reading done before bed, so far City of Bones is not really working for me, but I think the story is just about to really get going. After all the amazing things I've heard about it I really hope I enjoy it. 

Hopefully more Challenges and updates will be up tomorrow. Happy reading :)

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